Product detail

Body & Face Moisturizer

Moisturizing is an important step in our daily skincare regime. Daily moisturizing can lower the likelihood of experiencing excessive dryness or oiliness. Pick that moisturizer that suits you the best for you. Opt for moisturizers that are oil-free or water-based to hydrate your skin without adding extra oil.Body & face moisturizer is lightweight, and hydrates the skin & body. It also helps in preventing dry skin, firming & plumping the skin so that giving a well moisturized soft skin.

v Benefits of Body & face moisturizer

Retains moisture  Using Body & face moisturizer on daily basis, you will feel a difference in your skin's smoothness and its hydration level. It helps in retaining moisture and makes the skin glowing.

       Deeply penetrates the skin- This body and face moisturizer deeply penetrates the skin and removes the layer of toxins present in the skin and makes it smooth.

 Removes anti-aging and wrinkles- The more often you use this body lotion, the more likely you are to seem younger for a longer period because it aids in anti-aging and wrinkle prevention.

v Additional information

           Niacinamide is rich in anti-oxidants and helps in controlling pigmentation, and melanin production. It protects your skin from blemishes and     redness and evens out skin tone.

          Kojic acid helps in improving the discoloration of skin tone by reducing the excess production of melanin in the body. This results in relief from   hyperpigmentation.

       Shea and mango butter are enriched with anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It has a concentration of fatty acids that helps in smoothening and softening the skin.

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