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How To Choose Dermatologist Recommended Face Moisturizer?

Dermatologist Recommended Face Moisturizer
  • Skin Recipe
  • 22 Feb 2023

One's skin is the protective barrier, and the moisturizer keeps it moisturized and firm. Most professionals advise applying moisturizer every day, even though there is often doubt over its initial necessity. For an efficient skin care program, doctors recommend using "a moisturizer that suits the skin type and helps the skin appear and feel smooth," in addition to keeping a healthy diet and controlling stress. To ensure one is using the right products for their face, it's critical to understand the skin type. A water-based solution may not be helpful for dehydrated skin; dry skin will benefit from heavier moisturizers that can absorb as much moisture as necessary. The following are some considerations that one should bear in mind before buying dermatologist recommended face moisturizer. 

Choose between organic and natural ingredients

Ingredients used in natural goods are derived from botanical sources. The components in organic goods are said to have been cultivated without using artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or chemicals. Choose the correct product type, following the guidelines and location where these ingredients are sourced. 

Pay attention to active and inactive ingredients

The product's active components enable it to carry out its intended function. A moisturizer can contain titanium oxide, which is the main component of sunscreen, blocking UV radiation. In this situation, the aid of the inactive chemical but do not block the sun's rays. The creation of the finished product (whether it be a pill, liquid, or cream) is aided by inactive components.


A moisturizer recommended by dermatologists is described as being fragrance-free if no fragrances have been added. Even items without fragrances occasionally include fragrances. A natural component or essential oil that serves as a fragrance is not explicitly listed. Many scents are synthetic and conceal poisons that may cause allergic responses and skin problems.


A product that uses this phrase on the label advertises that it is oil-free or non-clogging. In essence, it implies that while the cream will remove extra oil, it won't dry up the skin.

Broad spectrum

This indicates that the product shields the sun's UVB and UVA radiation. While not all moisturizers currently provide this two-in-one combination, not all moisturizers do. Apply the moisturizer first, then sunscreen if one doesn't use a moisturizer that blocks the sun's rays.


A product is hypoallergenic if it causes fewer allergy responses among users. Contrary to items not identified as hypoallergenic, the presence of this term on the packaging does not imply a seal of safety. Because cosmetic regulations are flexible, producers may assert that a product is hypoallergenic but pay attention to how one's skin reacts.


Preservatives like parabens extend the shelf life of cosmetics. Methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben are three parabens frequently seen on cosmetics labels and are all considered safe for use in products containing up to 25% of them. Due to worries that they resemble estrogen and may cause cancer, parabens have been investigated for their possible health effects. Check the concentration before purchasing any such item.

To determine which products are the safest for the skin, one may find it challenging to go through the bewildering list of substances. To choose which product by Skin Recipe is the best match, read reviews and examine multiple professional feedbacks.